‘The invisible yet overpowering scent of weed invaded my kitchen, and I knew that Afnan* and his friends were at their post, slouching and coughing on the crumbling wall nearby. A bright-eyed, younger Afnan came to every church event until lostness and shame captured the boy he was. Thinking quickly, I used the excuse of needing help to bin some heavy rubbish bags to engage with Afnan. “How is everyone in church?” he asked quite openly. “I remember all we heard about Jesus there.”

For nearly a year I kept a brand-new, pristine Bible in my house. People would ask, “Have you given that young man his Bible yet?” but the answer was always, “No.” Afnan had vanished. One sunny afternoon, I turned a corner and bumped headlong into Afnan. After the usual pleasantries, I told him, rather nervously I admit, about the Bible awaiting him in my cupboard. His face lit up! “Oh…I have been reading the Bible online. Could I ask you what Jesus meant when he said this…er…in Matthew 20…?” The resurrected Jesus never stops working! On the street corners and in stinking bin yards He turns up, seeking the lost and inviting us to be part of it with Him.’ ~ a true story told by Judy*, an Interserve Partner.