Join an international community and share Jesus’ transforming love

in practical and wholistic ways within Asia, the Arab World and Aotearoa NZ.


We want to see followers of Christ become involved in global mission

We seek whole-life transformation in every person and community we serve. We are ordinary Christians putting our faith into action. We are you!

Something worth giving to
Our mission partners need your support
Our people live and work alongside the peoples of Asia & the Arab World, and in Aotearoa NZ.
Our work is funded through the generosity of individuals and churches who share our vision. Will you support us to make Christ known within the communities to which we are called?
Interserve (NZ) is a registered New Zealand Charity, Charity number CC11027. Donations towards our overseas workers are not eligible for end-of-year tax credits. Donations to our work in New Zealand are eligible for end-of-year tax credits (fully or partially). Any areas where funds are in surplus will overflow to other areas of need.
Our Stories, Mission and Prayers


It’s a well-known poem;  ‘Drop a pebble in the water: just a splash, and it is gone; but there's half-a-hundred ripples, circling on and on and on’.    The choices we make have an impact. There have not been many times in my life that I have been...

What happens when caste meets Christ?

What happens when caste meets Christ?

"Lord, first let me go and bury my mother" Bishu is a first generation Christian from a small tribe and his family and his tribe were practicing the major religion. It was through his Physical Education teacher at school that he was first introduced to Gospel message...

Embracing Diversity

Embracing Diversity

“They painted the stone foundation orange,” reported Lincoln with a bemused smile during our ongoing house renovations. As we ventured into the task of supervising the transformation of our new bungalow in this isolated city, we quickly realized that cultural...

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