

It’s a well-known poem;  ‘Drop a pebble in the water: just a splash, and it is gone; but there’s half-a-hundred ripples, circling on and on and on’.    The choices we make have an impact. There have not been many times in my life that I have...
What happens when caste meets Christ?

What happens when caste meets Christ?

“Lord, first let me go and bury my mother” Bishu is a first generation Christian from a small tribe and his family and his tribe were practicing the major religion. It was through his Physical Education teacher at school that he was first introduced to...
Bearing seeds

Bearing seeds

I love avocados. My whole family does. In salad, guacamole, whatever. Unfortunately, we live in South Asia, where they are rare.  But a few seeds did fall on good ground where the plants produced a hundred or sixty or thirty times as much as was scattered’....
Archaeology is my love language

Archaeology is my love language

When we think about how God’s love motivates us to love others, it can sometimes be hard to imagine how we can do this. How do we love our neighbours? Even harder: how can we love people scattered across the world? For me, doing my job as an archaeologist is a way to...
A Different way of doing medicine 

A Different way of doing medicine 

I was only fourteen when I decided I was going to become a medical missionary. I assumed I would be going to Africa – back then I thought all missionaries went to Africa.  I was surprised to learn that female medical personnel were most needed in Muslim...