Our Supporter Promise

We recognise that giving flows from a heart motivated to see lives and communities transformed through encounter with Jesus Christ. We promise to responsibly and faithfully steward all gifts, donations and resources that are entrusted to us as a fundamental part of our call to excellence in mission, in line with our core values of Integrity, Partnership, Servanthood, Wholistic, Dependence on God, Oneness and Community.


We treat every donation that we receive as an expression of partnership and participation in the work of Interserve (NZ).

  • We will inform donors of the way we intend to use donated resources, keeping them updated about the impact of their support.
  • All donations, when undesignated, will be allocated to our general ministry fund.
  • Where the donor specifies the intended use of their donation, we will take the greatest care to ensure that their wishes are carried out. On the rare occasion that this is not possible, we will be in touch to discuss the best possible alternative with you.
  • Donations may be ‘tagged’ towards a partner or staff. We will always allocate the donation towards the ‘tagged’ partner, staff, area of need. Once the needs in a particular area are met, we will ensure other areas of need will be met with the donations we receive. All donations are used for our stated purpose as registered with the Charities Commission: Lives and communities transformed through encounter with Jesus Christ. 
  • All donations will be acknowledged promptly and appropriately, within a week under normal circumstances. It may take longer at busier times, such as during appeals, or where we are looking to confirm the identity of a donor. Wider recognition and publicisation will only happen after consultation, and anonymity will be respected where requested.

Solidarity and Generosity

  • Informed by our values, we steward our finances on the biblical principles of solidarity and generosity. That means that the resources Interserve (NZ) receives through Partner Support, Home Staff support, and general giving are used to ensure that we adequately care for our members at all times.
  • All long-term workers raise Partner Support, and On Trackers (serving for more than 12 months) and Home Staff also raise Support to resource the vital work of Interserve (NZ). Partner and Home Staff Support enable the NZ church to accompany our people on their journey in prayer, practical support, relationships and financial support.
  • Partner support targets are set for each partner. These are based on an estimates of actual expenses for each partner dependent on the size of the family, location of service and some individual requirements.
  • All donations are placed into a solidarity ‘pot’ from which all allowances and costs are paid. Funds are administered through either a tax-deductible or non-tax-deductible ‘pot , according to the purpose of the work that the Partners or Staff is doing, and where they are located. This allows Interserve to cover shortfalls and pay full allowances regardless of fluctuations in donation income or international exchange rates. It also helps us to respond quickly to emergency situations.
  • All donations towards our workers (staff and partners) are allocated to the work we do in NZ and overseas. Our people share the resources that are raised for our work, based on needs.
  • In line with NZ Charity Services requirements, donations for overseas work are not eligible for a end-of-year tax rebate. Donations for our NZ based ‘religious’ workers are eligible for the end-of-year tax rebate. Donations towards our Home Staff are only partially eligible for end-of-year tax rebate.
  • Interserve is about sustainable mission and we believe that our solidarity model provides a practical, comprehensive, wise and accountable system of excellent support which enables our Partners and Staff to serve long term. While partners and staff have their part to play in raising and maintaining their support base, Interserve’s system – built over 160 years of experience – allows partners to get on with the work they are called to do while assisting to resource the overall ministry of the entire fellowship.

Data Protection

We respect our supporters right to confidentiality and are committed to maintaining your confidence and trust with respect to your privacy.

  • We will hold your information for only as long as it is required, treating it in accordance with current data protection legislation.
  • We will comply with all our responsibilities under data protection guidelines, including removing donors from communication lists if so requested.
  • We will be transparent about what data we are collecting about you, where that data comes from, how we use the information we hold about you, and the choices you can make. For more information, please visit our full privacy policy.


We value your feedback, as this will help us continually improve what we do

  • We will deal with your communication quickly, effectively and courteously, responding in a way that is tailored to your needs.
  • We will communicate with honesty and transparency about financial matters, including anything relating to a donation.
  • Our most recent published financial accounts and annual report are available at Charities Services website. (https://www.charities.org.nz) 
  • We aim to resolve any complaints as fully as possible. If you would like to exercise any of your rights above, opt-out, or are dissatisfied with the way we have dealt with our donation, please contact us at reception@interserve.org.nz or by telephone 0800 446 464.

Our Supporter Promise


Solidarity & Generosity

Data Protection
