Why Mission? | Te hirahira o tā mātou kaupapa

When we commit to following Jesus, we receive a mandate to be God’s missional people.

Jesus said: “I have come that they might have life and have it in all its fullness.”

—John 10:10, ISV

We long to see every situation where there are barriers to this abundance of life for individuals and communities transformed, in the name of Jesus.

Mission is a non-negotiable for every Christian. Jesus’ life on earth was mission. Being and making disciples means to be on mission, to fully participate in living out the gospel. We offer all of ourselves in all spheres of our lives — not just on Sunday morning.

Are you truly following Jesus if you’re not engaged in mission?

Far too often, Christians divide the verbal proclamation of the gospel from gospel-inspired social engagement. We sometimes see the task of telling others about Jesus as being separate from acts of service for our community. In reality they are not two issues but two aspects of the same issue; and authentic gospel witness contains both.

Our task as the global Church is to bring the whole gospel to the whole person in the whole world. The world as it is today needs to see a compelling demonstration of God’s Kingdom without division between the spiritual, material, and emotional and physical — this is what we refer to as wholistic mission. This is why we exist.

Where do I start with mission?
You can start by learning about God’s mission, or just pray.

Subscribe to our monthly email updates with stories from our people who live and work across Asia & the Arab World; so you can learn about our work first hand.

Or join us in prayer and receive our Prayer Guide as we intercede for God’s mission and his abundance of life for individuals and communities transformed.

If you are wanting to connect in a more personal way to find out more about us or discuss how you might begin the mission journey with us, then please don’t hesitate to book a kōrero.

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What can I do to become a mission partner?
If you are interested in becoming a mission partner, please get in touch with us directly.

Interserve workers serve in Asia, the Arab World, and among migrant communities in Aotearoa NZ. The passion, education, and life & work experience you have are precious gifts. We can help you to use those gifts to practically share the love of Christ to tackle marginalisation and disadvantage, and equip local believers as they proclaim Christ in word and deed.

Let’s kōrero. There’s no pressure, no expectations – we want to help you as you listen to God. Email us at talk2us@interserve.org.nz

Since 1819 our vision has been to bring social justice and worshipping God together — through missional engagement.

This led us to the peoples of Asia and the Arab World, both to people living in those regions and those who have migrated from there to other parts of the world. 

Over the past 200 years the Interserve community has expanded as we seek to transform modern obstacles to fullness of life. We work to counter human trafficking, work alongside refugees, assist immigrants, and in every way possible seek to bring meaningful, lasting transformation in the lives of those with whom we engage. Times have changed, but Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever; and our call to serve in the name of Jesus alongside the peoples of Asia and the Arab World, wherever they may be, continues.

Mission doesn’t just mean going across the world, it also means going across the road!

God, in his sovereignty, has overseen a significant movement of peoples across the nations in recent years. This offers many opportunities for people to engage in mission in far-flung places, as well as right at your door step. People from every nation are loved by God, and people from every nation have unique gifts and roles to play in his Kingdom. What about you? Do you know your neighbour?

“Therefore, as you go, disciple people in all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit…”

—Matthew 28:19, ISV

Clara’s journey of discovery
Clara is one of our Mission Partners and lives & works in South East Asia.
“This may be the only interaction I ever have with this lonely father. He represents one person among millions, one ethnic minority among hundreds. Yet we were brought together to hear something of each other’s stories; to accompany and encourage one another on our journeys of faith.”
Read full story

As we work and live alongside peoples from different nations, cultures, faith and ages, we all are being transformed in the process. This mutual transformation developed through relationships becomes the most valuable outcome

Jesus prays to the Father — “Just as you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.  I ask not only on behalf of these men [sent one’s], but also for those who will believe in me through their message, so that they may all be one. Just as you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be one in us, so that the world may believe that you sent me.” John 17: 18-23 emphasis added

Mission is mutual transformation

We partner with and work alongside the Church of the nations that we serve in, even where it is persecuted or small. We work to build the local church; to equip and empower them to be all that God has called them to be. We partner across cultures. We battle against a tendency to have a dominant culture; we want to hear voices from all backgrounds, raising the volume of those often marginalised.

As a community, we partner with each other; encouraging and building one-another up. 

How do I equip myself to serve?

Everyone is called to engage in God’s redemptive work in the world.

We all need to be resourced to serve effectively whether we have lots of experience or none at all.

We exist to support you and your church as you reach out to and disciple people from Asian and Arab backgrounds, locally and overseas. We have experienced practitioners who can provide bespoke cross-cultural training for your church or small groups. You can benefit not only from a training session, but also ongoing mentoring.

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Where does Interserve work?

We follow God’s call to love the peoples of Asia & the Arab World wherever they are.

God, in his sovereignty, has overseen a significant movement of peoples across the nations in recent years. International migration over the decades has led to opportunities to bring transformation to the lives of the peoples of Asia & the Arab World in many locations.

Our Partners work in North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia in countries whose peoples are primarily Muslims, Hindus or Buddhists. We also work in other countries where there are significant groups of migrants from these areas. Our community is pioneering work, in partnership with others, in continental Europe, Latin America and Australasia among other places.

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