Our Stories, Mission and Prayers

Our publication keeps you inspired, informed (so you can pray) and helps you understand how to practically live out Christ’s calling with us. Why the name “Te Whāriki”?

An eye for design

An eye for design

Sally's* remarkable journey in South Asia began many years ago, where she seamlessly integrated her unique skills into a purposeful mission. She has been specifically designed by her Creator to have an eye for design and layout which beautifully complements her...

The Diversity of culture

The Diversity of culture

Our Partners Naomi and Stuart* who delight in helping others connect with people from different cultural backgrounds, have reflected on the Bible's account of God intentionally creating different ethnic groups in early history. From one man he made all the nations,...

Love and cake

Love and cake

Interserve workers David and Elaine, Sam and Karen* are nurturing a faith community here in Aotearoa that helps to support and care for refugees and asylum seekers. Through this work they are gaining a deeper understanding of our sisters and brothers who have...

The harvest is plentiful

The harvest is plentiful

Lynette* works in a place that is in an extended financial crisis, with its society in a downward spiral.  Her shepherd's heart is aligned with our Lord's and she is motivated by compassion for the poor, the sick and the displaced. She writes that as the country...

Archaeology is my love language

Archaeology is my love language

When we think about how God’s love motivates us to love others, it can sometimes be hard to imagine how we can do this. How do we love our neighbours? Even harder: how can we love people scattered across the world? For me, doing my job as an archaeologist is a way to...

God’s love overcomes fear

God’s love overcomes fear

Our business brings together people from marginalised backgrounds and provides a safe place for training and discipleship We live in a 4,000 year old city, along with 25 million others. Pollution fills the air like a grey soup and the economy is in a permanent...

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