blessed are those who wait —ISAIAH 30:18b

Through Scripture, we see people waiting – Hannah praying for a child, Simeon longing to see the Messiah, farmers tending the soil as they await the harvest.

Today, our communities wait too – waiting for provision, for healing, for a future filled with hope.

This season, we invite you to join us in being the answer to prayers. Your gift will help bring life and light to those still waiting.


Interserve (NZ) is a registered New Zealand Charity, Charity number CC11027. Donations towards our overseas workers are not eligible for end-of-year tax credits. Donations to our work in New Zealand are eligible for end-of-year tax credits (fully or partially). Any areas where funds are in surplus will overflow to other areas of need.

We need your support to ensure our mission of transforming lives and communities continues. ​

Would you consider helping us to shine bright in the communities we serve? Your contribution, no matter the size, will help bring hope and provision to those waiting for His promises to unfold. ​

Thank you for partnering with us in this mission of hope.​ Your generosity makes a significant difference.